Here are some photos of a water intrusion problem we discovered while doing our weekly checks in Kings Lake. When we entered the unit we discovered water on the floor and upon further investigation we found mold & mildew behind the clothes washer and dryer. We reported it to the owners and referred them to Matthew Collier Disaster Cleanup a company who they hired to restore things back to normal. As you can see from the progression of photos the drywall was then removed, the mold & mildew were cleaned up and treated and the commercial dryer and air scrubber completely dried things out.
After they finished the cleanup they had to determine the source of the leak and much to their surprise they discovered that when the A/C unit was replaced the A/C company never glued the drain and only stubbed the 3/4 inch pipe into a 1 ½ drain that was only siliconed together.
Needless to say this was a disaster waiting to happen so now that they have corrected the problem the owners can rest easy that the problem has been taken care of and it won’t happen again.