Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Rust Spots on Clothes

The following is something that happened to Sonny & Joy...Joy had been complaining about finding rust spots on some of her clothes after they had been run through the dryer and for the life of me I couldn't find the reason it was happening. Then...recently our building had the dryer vents cleaned and after that we began to notice excessive moisture buildup inside the dryer even though it wasn't being used. One time when I was checking the inside of the dryer trying to solve the rust problem I could feel warm air coming from inside the dryer. Upon further investigation I determined that whenever a unit under us (we live in a third floor condo) used their dryer we could feel the warm air coming out of ours. I reported this to our building president and we were about to call the vent cleaning company back to see if they could determine what was happening when I came across an item at Home Depot that cost $5 and solved our problem. It seems that whenever a downstairs dryer was being used, hot air would syphon back into our dryer. Pictured here is a Draft Blocker that allows air to flow out but prevents any air from flowing back into our dryer. If any of you experience this problem buying one of these and installing it where the clothes dryer vent pipe enters the wall will solve your problem.

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